Palokärki Wood Chip Burner 800 kW

An updated wood chip burner for efficient wood chip heating

The updated Palokärki Wood Chip Burner 800 kW has been optimised for modern 3D combustion air flow modelling. Fitted with an arch and massive ceramic stones, this wood chip burner is very efficient.

  • A modern wood chip burner for wood chip heating
  • Massive ceramic stones and an arch
  • A strong staggered cast-iron grate
  • A strong hydraulically moving grate aggregate
  • Automatic combustion air control

This burner can also be used for burning other combustible materials, such as recycled wood, as long as the size of the pieces is suitable.


The benefits of wood chip heating

Wood chip heating is an energy-efficient and eco-friendly heating method. Wood is a renewable natural resource, and chipping surplus timber promotes efficient forest management and sustainable energy production.
Choosing the right kind of wood chip burner and –boiler guarantees efficiency, which also translates to fuel cost savings.

What are wood chips?

Wood chips are chipped/cut up wood, often made with a wood chipper. The chipped wood is sourced as a byproduct of forest management or the timber industry. You can also take your own timber to be chipped by a local operator.
For best heating results, wood chips should be a few centimetres long, of uniform quality, and dry. The wood chips should contain as little green material (such as conifers) as possible, but bark chips, for example, are great for wood chip heating. Dry wood chips of uniform quality make the wood chip burner more efficient, burning more evenly, more cleanly and more effectively.

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